So as I thought today about what my theme would be, it dawned on me how many times the concept of "trust" came up. Many of you may have seen a commercial where a woman is in an empty room and starts falling backward slowly. As she does, she is caught by a comfy white chair and the whole room becomes furnished. I don't know why, but this commercial always makes me nervous, even though I know nothing bad will happen. I always think, "what if this time the chair never comes?" Then my little sister and I were discussing honesty, how if you are caught lying even once, people will doubt your word. The more you get caught, the harder it is for them to trust you. I think back to church activities and girls camp bonding challenges where we performed the "trust fall," always scary, no matter how many people are behind you.
Trust is defined as reliance on the strength, integrity, ability, or surety of a person or thing; confident expectation; hope. We put our trust in things every day, bridges, technology, nature, the people we interact with. So why should we trust even more than we already do? Because without ever-increasing our trust, we cease to grow. This does not mean that we let people take advantage of us, or expect destiny to swoop in and save us when we have knowingly jumped off a building. But rather, to trust loved ones with our hearts, to trust ourselves to try new and amazing things, and to trust in God to make even tragedies and the things we don't understand completely redemptive.
p.s. I found this picture while researching, never heard of rock balancing artists before, but they are amazing. It's incredible what creativity, ingenuity, and patience can accomplish.
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